(short) CV englisch
- Prof. Dr. Alivisos Sofos M.A.
- University of Aegean
- Lsofos@aegean.gr skype: Lsofos
- www.Lsofos.com | www.mediapedagogy.gr/
- Tel: 0030 22410 99224, Mobil: 0030 6948183076
- School of Humanities,
- Dept. of Primary Education,
- University of Aegean
- House Kleoboulos, 1, Leoforos Demokratias,
- 85132 Rhodes, Greece
- Διαβάστε περισσότερα: https://www.lsofos.com/contact-sofos/
- Dean, School of Humanities, University of the Aegean
- Chair of Post-Graduate Program of Department of Primary Education University of Aegean (from 2014 until 31 August 2022),
- Director of Master's Program “Educational Sciences – Use of New Technologies in Education” (from 2013 until today),
- Director of laboratory "Psychology, Educational Research and Media in Education" (from 2014 until today),
- Director of Labor Schools in Rhodes (from 2009 until today),
- Chairman of the Conference of Presidents and Deans of the Educational Departments and Schools in Greece (from 2017 until 31 August 2022)
- Elected member of University Council (from 2/2013 until 8/2014),
- Member of the Administrative Board of the Institute for Educational Policy of Greece (from 12/2018 until 12/2019),
- President of the National Center for Teacher Training Ε.Κ.ΕΠ.Ε. https://ekepe.wordpress.com/ ( from 6/2019 until 7/2020)
- Member of the Board of Management and Development Company of the University of the Aegean University (12/2022 to date).
- Address: School of Humanities, Dept. of Primary Education, University of Aegean
- House Kleoboulos, 1, Leoforos Demokratias, 85132 Rhodes, Greece
- https://www.Lsofos.com/ | https://www.pre.aegean.gr/dep/ | https://www.mediapedagogy.gr - E-Mail: Lsofos@aegean.gr - Tel: 0030 22410 99224, Mobil: 0030 6948183076, skype: Lsofos
I. Curriculum Vitae - not including publications
Dr. Alivisos Sofos studied Pedagogy at the University of Lecce / Italy and Maraslio Teachers College from where he graduated in 1987. He continued his undergraduate studies at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in
Germany: Educational Studies, Sociology and Italian Literature / Linguistics. At the same university he completed his postgraduate studies in 1996 and was named Doctor of the Department of Philosophy / Pedagogy of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität.
From 1996 to 1998 he worked as a contract Instructor at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and other German universities (Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Landau- Koblenz). From 1998 to 2002 he worked as a research associate at the Pedagogical Faculty of the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz in the fields: General Pedagogy, Pedagogy of New Media, School of Education and from 2002 until 2004 as a research associate in the research project "Teaching Media". Since 1998, he was also scientific advisor to the central administration body of the 16 Youth and Social Ministries of the federal states of Germany for the Protection of Young People, where he worked a) on the development of online educational curriculum, b) in student’s education programs and c) on organizing student’s research projects. Since 2004, he is an elected faculty member in the Department of Education, Faculty of Humanities Studies, University of the Aegean.
His research interests include:
- Pedagogy and Media Pedagogy
- Media Education & Media Theories
- New Media in Educational Process
- Educational video
- Instructional Design
- e-Learning & Open Education
- Safe Internet: racism, addiction, cyber-bulling, etc.
List of most significant publications
Sofos, A., Kostas A., Spanos Dim., Tzortzoglou, Phil. (2025). Artificial Intelligence in education. Tools and their application in the classroom. Athens: Grigoris.
Sofos, A. Tsarpa, I. (2024). Adult Education and the special contribution of Transformative Learning. The first edition of the book "The new generation of the European Union": Grigoris.
Sofos, A., Kostas, A., Paraschou, V., Spanos, D., Yasiranis, S., Tzortzoglou, F., & Vratsali, N. (2023). Educational material designs & technologies for digital education [Undergraduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Publications. https://dx.doi.org/10.57713/kallipos-170
Sofos, A., Tzortzoglou, F. (2022). 50+8 Web 2.0 tools for education and teacher. Athens: Grigoris.
Sofos, A., & Gasiranis, S. (2022). Film and video in education - Approaches and practices of classroom utilization [Graduate textbook]. Kallipos, Open Academic Publications. https://repository.kallipos.gr/handle/11419/8451
Papadimitriou, S., Sofos, A. (2022). Utilization of audiovisual media in modern school. Athens: EKOME. https://www.ekome.media/el/%CE%B5%CE%BA%CF%80%CE%B1%CE%AF%CE%B4%CE%B5%CF%85%CF%83%CE%B7/nea-ekdosi-idea-axiopoiisi-o-a-meson-sto- sygchrono-scholeio-s-papadimitriou-kai-l-sofou/.
Sofos, A., Kosmidou Chr. (2020). The Identity and Job Profile of the Teacher as a Professional. Grigoris: Athens.
Sofos, A., Darra, M., Tsibidaki, A., Kladaki, M., Kostas, A. (2020), Pedagogical departments and their future. Teacher Education: Challenges and Perspectives in a changing world. Grigoris Athens.
Sofos, A., Tsibidaki, A., Skourtou, E., Fokidis, Em., Karamouzis, P. (2020). Theoretical approaches and practices of film utilization in education. Athens: Grigoris.
Sofos, A., Karamouzis, P., Kazoulli V., Kostas, A. (Eds.) (2019). Teaching and learning through mobile devices: Implications and challenges for education. Grigoris: Athens.
Sofos, A., Avgerinos, E., Karamouzis, P., Christodoulidou, L., Darra, M. (Eds.) (2017a). Pedagogical Use of Digital Media in the Educational Process. Educational and pedagogical use of digital technology in the educational process: Athens, Greece.
Sofos, A. (2017b). New media, classical pedagogical issues: the view of learning from the perspective of learning patterns and neurobiology. In A. Sophos, Liarakou, G. Karamouzis, P. & Kostas, A. (Eds.) New Media, New Learning? (pp 15-39). Athens: Grigoris.
Sofos, Α. (2016). Designing teaching scenarios for the practical training of students. Holistic model investigative and stochastic practices for enhancing digital literacy under mentoreias. Athens: Grigoris
Sofos, Α., Kostas, Α., Parasxou, Β. (2015). Online Distance Learning. From Theory to Praxis. E-Book. Kallipos: Athens.
Kron, F. (2012) (Sofos, A. Ed.). Basic Knowledge of Pedagogical Science. Athens: ION.Kron, F., Sofos, A. (2003). Mediendidaktik –Neuen Medien in Lehr- und Lernprozessen“. München: Ernst Reinhardt-Verlag als UTB.
Sofos, Α., Kron, F. (2010). Erfolgreicher Unterricht mit Medien. Mainz: Logophon
Sofos, Α. Kron, F. (2010). Effective Teaching with the Use of Media: From Personal and Primary to Quaternary digital Media. Athens, Grigoris (in Greek)
Anastasiadis, P., Gkiouzeli, A., Mpellou, I., Papanastasiou, G., Papachristos, N., Simotas, K., Sofos, A., Triantafillidis, A., Filippousis, G., Fragkaki, M. (2010) Interactive Whiteboard in the Classroom: Educational Approaches, Didactic Applications. Part A. Theoretical Framework. Athens, Pedagogical Institute (in Greek)
Anastasopoulos. C., Dakopoulou, A., Kalogridi, S., Koutroumanos, G., Lenakakis, A., Manousou, E., Paraskevopoulos, M., Piliouras, P., Sofos, A., Terzaki, C. (2011). Courses of Compulsory Education: Background of Basic Principles and Guidelines. Work Group Text of Courses Pedagogical Institute. Volume II, Special Part, PE70 Teachers. Athens, Pedagogical Institute (in Greek).
Kron, F., Sofos, A. (2008). Dydaktyka Mediow. Gdansk: Pedagogika GWP.
Kron, F., Sofos, A. (2007). Teaching the Media: New Media in Teaching and Learning Process, Athens Gutenberg (in Greek)
Kron, F., Sofos, A. (2003). Mediendidaktik –Neuen Medien in Lehr- und Lernprozessen“. München: Ernst Reinhardt-Verlag als UTB.
Sofos, A. (1996). "Erziehungsziele in der pädagogischen Diskussion. Eine Bestandsaufnahme in Deutschland von 1960 bis 1994". (Ph. Dissertation) Mainz.
Editing of Collective Volumes
Beck, Ch., Sofos, A. (2001): Neue Medien in der pädagogischen Kontroverse. Mainz: Logophon.
Avgerinos, E., Kokkinos, G., Papantonakis, G., Sofos, A. (ed.) (2007). Educational Sciences – New Technologies: Practives in Greece and Modern Trends in Europe. Athens, Metechmio (in Greek)
Sofos, A. (ed.) (2009) Educational Dimensions of New Media. Strengthening Media Literacy and Capability for a Secure Internet. Athens, Grigoris (in Greek)
Sofos, A. (ed.) (2009) Educational Dimensions of New Media. Strengthening Media Literacy and Capability for a Secure Internet. Athens, Grigoris (in Greek).
Sofos, A. Bratsalis, K. (2013). Pedagogical use of New Media in the educational process. Athens: ΙΟΝ (in Greek).
Sofos, A., Avgerinos, E., Karamouzis, P., Christodoulidou, L., Darra, M. (Ed.) (2017): Use of New Technologies Education. Pedagogical exploitation of digital media in the educational process. Athens: Grigoris.
Articles in Journals
Sofos, A. (1997). "Eine kategoriale Begründung von Handlungsnormen in pädagogischen Theoriekonzepten". In: Pädagogische Rundschau 51, 517-557.
Sofos, A. (1998). Zur Lebenslage griechischer Einwanderer. In: Ausländerbüro der Stadt Bielefeld (Hrsg.): Vom Gastarbeiter zum Bürger der Kommune.Dokumentation einer Veranstaltungsreihe. Bielefeld, 36-43.
Sofos, A. (2000). Der Muttersprachliche Ergänzungsunterricht für Ausländerkinder in Rheinland-Pfalz. Eine kritische Analyse. In: Pedagogical Speech 1, 111 – 127.
Sofos, A., Kron, F. (2000). Neue Medien im Unterricht. In: Pedagogical Speech 1, 67-82.
Sofos, A. (2003). Interkulturelle Erziehungsziele im Übergang: Die Entstehung eines neuen Paradigmas und die Bedeutung neuer Technologien für die interkulturelle Didaktik. In: Pedagogical Logos 2, 35-52
Sofos, A. (2004). Rahmenbedingungen der Mediendidaktischen Praxis. In: Pedagogical Logos 3, 273-287
Sofos, A., Kron, F. (2005). Der Lehrplan und die Neuen Medien. In: Pedagogical Speech 2, 211-234
Sofos, A (2005). Theoretische Perspektiven zur Begründung des Medienbegriffs. In: Pädagogische Rundschau 59(2005), 719-726
Sofos, A., Athanasiadis, Ι. (2007). Mediennutzung und Medienkompetenz in der universitären Ausbildung von Studierenden. In: Pedagogical Speech, 1, 13-31.
Sofos A., Kostas A., (2009). Pedagogically-Oriented Evaluation Criteria for Educational Web Resources. eLearning Papers,. 17 pp. 1-12
Sofos, A., Liappi, V., (2010). Mind Mapping in Electronic Environments, An Alternate Learning Strategy, Pedagogika Revmata sto Aigaio, 4, 59-76 (in Greek)
Sofos A., Alexopoulou A., (2010). Defining Quality Hellenic Evaluation tool for School Internet Sites. eLearning Papers,. Special edition 17 pp. 1-17. Publications in Conference Proceedings
Sofos, A., Kron, F. (2000). New Media in Teaching: A Collaborative Project of the University of Mainz with Junior High Schools in the Mainz area. In: Universität Patras (Hrsg.), 2. Panhellenischer Kongress – Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Erziehung. Patras 2000, S. 74-82 (auch als CD-ROM)
Sofos, A. (2005). Quo Vadis E-Learnig? Teaching Observatins Regarding Learning with the Use of Electronic Environments, In: Lionarakis, A. (ed.), 3rd International Conference on Open and Distance Learning Application of Pedagogy and Technology, Proceedings of International Conference, 63-71, Athens: Propompos. (in Greek)
Sofos A., Kostas A. (2007). “WebCT Vista as e-Learning Infrastructure to Enhance Undergraduate Studies: A Preliminary Evaluation”. In: Fernstrom, K. (Ed.), Readings in Technology in Education Proceedings of the 7th ICICTE. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE), (pp.172-183) Crete: University College of the Fraser Valley Press
Sofos, A., Kladaki, Μ., Georgiadou, D. (2009) Cinema as a Means for CrossThematic Teaching: An Application within the Flexible Zone Programme. In: Govas, N. (Ed.), Theater & Education at Centre Stage. (pp. 207-219). Athen: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network.
Sofos, A., Kostas, A. (2009). Open Educational Resources – The Example of eXe, In: Dapontes, N., Tzimopoulos, N. (ed.): Use of ICT in Teaching, 4th Teachers Conference, (p. 1-10), Syros: New Technologies Publications (in Greek)
Sofos, A., Matzavinou, T. (2009). The Use of e-Class of Greek School Network for the Implementation of Electronic Courses of Schools from Attica and Dodecansee. In EEEP-DTPE (ed.) P.E. and Education. 5th Greek Conference Primary Schience Teacher’s Association for the Use of ICT in Education, 4-5 Oct (p. 154-170), Piraeus EEEP (in Greek)
Sofos, A., Vratsalis, K. (in press). Die Rolle der Medien in der interkulturellen sprachlichen Kommunikation. In: Karagiannidou, E., Papadopoulou, O., Skourtou, E., (Hrsg.), Language Diversity and Language Learning: New Paths to Literacy. Proceedings of the 42nd Linguistics Colloquium, Frankfurt (pp.), New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group.
Apostolos, K.; Alivisos, S.; , "Internet-Mediated Communities of Practice (IMCoPs): A Meta-analysis of Critical Elements," Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCOS), 2010 2nd International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-7, 24-26 Nov. 2010
Kostas, A., Sofos A., Tsolakidis K., Bratsalis K., (2011) Educational Web Communities in Greece: A Critical Survey. In K. Fernstrom & Kostas Tsolakidis (Eds.) Education and Technology: Innovation and Research. Proceedings of ICICTE 2011 (pp. 103-111). Fraser Valley, Canada: University of the Fraser Valley Press.
Publications in Conference Proceedings
Sofos, A., Kron, F. (2000). New Media in Teaching: A Collaborative Project of the University of Mainz with Junior High Schools in the Mainz area. In: Universität Patras (Hrsg.), 2. Panhellenischer Kongress – Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Erziehung. Patras 2000, S. 74-82 (auch als CD-ROM)
Sofos, A. (2005). Quo Vadis E-Learnig? Teaching Observatins Regarding Learning with the Use of Electronic Environments, In: Lionarakis, A. (ed.), 3rd International Conference on Open and Distance Learning Application of Pedagogy and Technology, Proceedings of International Conference, 63-71, Athens: Propompos. (in Greek)
Sofos A., Kostas A. (2007). “WebCT Vista as e-Learning Infrastructure to Enhance Undergraduate Studies: A Preliminary Evaluation”. In: Fernstrom, K. (Ed.), Readings in Technology in Education Proceedings of the 7th ICICTE. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education
(ICICTE), (pp.172-183) Crete: University College of the Fraser Valley Press
Sofos, A., Kladaki, Μ., Georgiadou, D. (2009) Cinema as a Means for CrossThematic Teaching: An Application within the Flexible Zone Programme. In: Govas, N. (Ed.), Theater & Education at Centre Stage. (pp. 207-219). Athen: Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network.
Sofos, A., Kostas, A. (2009). Open Educational Resources – The Example of eXe, In: Dapontes, N., Tzimopoulos, N. (ed.): Use of ICT in Teaching, 4th Teachers Conference, (p. 1-10), Syros: New Technologies Publications (in Greek)
Sofos, A., Matzavinou, T. (2009). The Use of e-Class of Greek School Network for the Implementation of Electronic Courses of Schools from Attica and Dodecansee. In EEEP-DTPE (ed.) P.E. and Education. 5th Greek Conference Primary Schience Teacher’s Association for the Use of ICT in Education, 4-5 Oct (p. 154-170), Piraeus EEEP (in Greek)
Sofos, A., Vratsalis, K. (in press). Die Rolle der Medien in der interkulturellen sprachlichen Kommunikation. In: Karagiannidou, E., Papadopoulou, O., Skourtou, E., (Hrsg.), Language Diversity and Language Learning: New Paths to Literacy. Proceedings of the 42nd Linguistics Colloquium, Frankfurt (pp.), New York: Peter Lang Publishing Group.
Apostolos, K.; Alivisos, S.; , "Internet-Mediated Communities of Practice (IMCoPs): A Meta-analysis of Critical Elements," Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCOS), 2010 2nd International Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-7, 24-26 Nov. 2010
Kostas, A., Sofos A., Tsolakidis K., Bratsalis K., (2011) Educational Web Communities in Greece: A Critical Survey. In K. Fernstrom & Kostas Tsolakidis (Eds.) Education and Technology: Innovation and Research. Proceedings of ICICTE 2011 (pp. 103-111). Fraser Valley, Canada: University of the Fraser Valley Press.
iii. Significant research achievements in the last 10 years
Reviewer of Scientific Publications in Conferences
2005 Conference: “The School of Information Society and Multiculturalism”.
11th International Conference, October 21-23, Rhodes
2007 Conference: “Forms of Democracy in Education: Open Access and Distance Education”. 4th International Conference on Open and Distance Education, ICODL, November 23-25
2008 Conference: “Information Technology and Communication in Education”.
5th National Conference, Primary Science Teachers Association for the
Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education - EEEP DPTE
2009 Conference: “Information Technology and Communication in Education”. 6th National Conference, Primary Science Teachers Association for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education - EEEP DPTE
2009 Conference: “Information Technology and Communication in Education”. 5th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning (ICODL’09)
2010 Conference: “Information Technology and Communication in Education”. 6th National Conference “The Future of Learning” EEEP DPTE
2010 Conference: “ICT in Education” 7th National Conference Conference with International Participation of the Greek Union of Scientific Information and Communications Technologies in Education (ETPE), Corinth
2010 Conference: “Integration and Use of ICT in the Educational Process” 2nd National Conference ETPE, University of Patras, Patras
Organizer of Conferences
2006 Ημερίδα: “Protecting Youth on the Internet, Pedagogical Issues and Concerns”. November 11, Rhodes
2007 Διημερίδα: “The Educational Software – Pedagogical Management of
New Media in Primary Education”. September 8-9, Rhodes
2008 Ημερίδα: “The Training of Teachers in Primary Education – Models of Conducting Practice Exercises”. June 11, Rhodes
2009 Ημερίδα: “Pedagogical Use of New Media in Teaching”. May 5, Rhodes
2009 Επιμορφωτική Ημερίδα: “Interactive Whiteboard”. October, Rhodes
2010 Επιμορφωτική Ημερίδα: “Planning Methodology for the Use of New Media in Pedagogical and Educational Activities”. October, Rhodes
2010 Ημερίδα: “The Laptop in Education”, June 12, Rhodes
Lectures (listed below are 12 selected lectures out of 51 lectures given)
04-04.05.2007 “The Importance of New Technologies and Mind Mapping to Create the Student’s e-Portfolio”. Lecture under the 4th National Scientific Conference with International Participation, “Use of ICT in the Classroom”, Syros
28.05.2008 |
“Pedagogical Aspects of Lifelong Learning in Higher Education: The Case of WebCT». Lecture under the National Scientific Conference with International Participation, General Secretariat for Adult Education, Volos |
21-22.07.2008 |
“Research on Application of Electronic Environments in Greek Universities”, Lecture under the the International Workshop “The Contribution of New Technologies to Quality Education”, University of the Aegean, Rhodes |
28.01.2008 |
«Die Rolle der Medien in der interkulturellen sprachlichen Kommunikation», Lecture under the the International Scientific Conference “Language Diversity and Language Learning: New Paths to Literacy”, University of the Aegean, Rhodes |
04-05.10.2008 |
“The Role of New Media in the Support of Cross-Cultural Meeting. Working with Scenarios Using Blogs”, Lecture under the 5th National Conference EEEP-DTPE, Piraeus |
04-05.10.2008 |
“Evaluating Software Tools for the Development of Multimedia Content in Education" Lecture under the 5th National Conference EEEP-DTPE, Piraeus |
08-09.10.2008 |
“Open Educational Resources – authorware tool eXe”, Lecture under the two-day workshop “The Educational Software - Educational Management of New Media in Primary Education”, PTDE, University of the Aegean, Rhodes |
4-5.10.2009 |
“The Management of Internet Information at Work School at the Elementary School. Case Study”, Lecture at the 6th National Conference of Primary Science Teachers' Association for the Use of ICT, Piraeus |
4-5.10.2009 |
“The use of e-Class (Class Electronic Management) of the Greek School Network for the implementation of online courses from secondary schools in Attica and the Dodecanese”, Lecture under the 6th National Conference Science for Primary Teachers' Association Use of ICT, Piraeus |
27-29.11.2009 |
“Case Study on the Use of the LMS Open E-Class for the Implementation of Electronic Courses by Departments of the National and the Kapodistrian University of Athens”, Lecture under the 5th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning (ICODL'09), Athens |
23-25.4.2010 |
“Criteria for Evaluation of School Web Sites-Determination of a Quality Framework”, Lecture under the 2nd National Educational Conference Imathia. Virtual Schools: Planning, Perspectives and Concerns |
“Education in Media Goals of Media Litearcy and Competence”, Presentation under the Lecture at the 7th National Conference EEEP-DTPE The Future of Learning, Piraeus |
iv. List of other Research Projects
Research projects
Project title: Reshaping of Curricula – Enlargement of Higher Education
University of the Aegean, EPEAEK (Code 1246)
Budget: Unbudgeted
Role: Participation in the program with the goal to develop digital content for the additional distance education. The material that was created, was used as part of undergraduate courses.
Project title: Integration of repatriated and foreign children in Schools for Primary
University of Athens, EPEAEK II (Code 8410)
Budget: Unbudgeted
Role: Scientific coordinator: Training of teachers, production of online support material, publicity
Project goals: The program seeks to support as many schools as possible through pedagogical and didactic proposals, instructional materials, training programs and the hiring of qualified teachers.
Project title: Program of Practice Exercises
University of the Aegean, EPEAEK II (Code 1703)
Budget: Unbudgeted
Project goals: Growing of the students’ skills and give them the ability to develop new ones, enhance students’ practice exercises, expand practice exercises to new scientific fields
Project title: Program of Practice Exercises
University of the Aegean, ESPA
Role: Project coordinator
Budget: 98.000 euros
Source of funding: National program
Project goals: The project is an extension of the unfunded Practice Exercise that takes place on the Department of Primary Education. Practice Exercises is an important part of higher education, as well as contribute to better use of knowledge and skills acquired by students during their studies and in easier and more beneficial integration of graduates into the labor market. The program philosophy is: 1. the interconnection of theoretical knowledge and skills with the professional field of the teacher, 2. better understanding of the teaching profession and 3. the interconnection of university education to the labor market.
Project title: Program of Practice Exercises
University of the Aegean, ESPA 2009-2012 (Code 2323-112)
Role: Project coordinator since 01.08.2007
Budget: 104.937,45 euros
Source of funding: National program
Project goals: Growing of the students’ skills and give them the ability to develop new ones, enhance students’ practice exercises, expand practice exercises to new scientific fields
PhD Supervision (1st Supervisor)
2009 Knowledge Management in Communities of Practice for Primary
Education: Case Study of Multi-criteria Organization of Information on Social Networking Environments
2009 Laptops in primary education - a case study on the differentiation of teaching, student media literacy and student learning
2010 Blended Learning in Secondary Education – application of the method of blended learning on the course of Principles of Economic Theory of the Lyceum of EPAL